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  • Writer's picturemoragmoonstir

Winning at wellbeing @Moonstir

February is heart health month and Moonstir is delighted to running heart health activities in two of our client organisations as part of our HR strategy. Here is some more info on heart health which we're happy to share.

However, CIPD (2022) research shows that health and wellbeing shouldn't have to be treated as an ‘add-on’ or ‘nice-to-have’ activity by organisations but in fact be part of daily life. Helping staff make changes for the longer term requires a top down and bottom up commitment.

Whilst this month we have a fitness challenge set between staff, information campaigns and lifestyle/cholesterol checks by Eaton Occupational Health, this is integral to our complete review of HR practices. We have been engaged in leadership training, reviewing staffing plans and absence, ensuring equality and fairness across our terms and conditions, improving recruitment etc. We do not endorse the implementation of singe wellbeing events as an answer so be mindful of any organisations out there offering wellbeing activities whom are not able to offer the whole package.

So if you'd like more information on our strategic wellbeing work delivered by our trained professionals, please do get in touch.

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