I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes...stress is all around me and so the feeling grows. It may be a play on a wonderful tune by Wet Wet Wet but as a psychotherapist, HR professional and of course a friend, it seems that this "tune" is number one in many people's ears right now.
I don't need to list all the stressors, you're writing the lyrics, you may even have your own jingle which is annoyingly playing in your head. You don't know how to stop it playing and each day, it's getting noisier and faster, much like your beating heart. You're starting to fidget as if moving towards a dance floor but there's no-one there to dance with. You're feeling alone with your stress, it's getting worse and you don't know what to do. You're losing sleep, you're losing concentration, your appetite is changing and you feel like you're losing your mind. Oh and your body aches too.
There are many places offering support but needless to say, if you want to talk, Moonstir's professionals are here to listen. I have also attached a recognised source from MIND which gives some really good information. https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living/christmas-and-mental-health/christmas-and-coronavirus/
At Moonstir., we know that many of the current stressors will not end on 26th December. So in early 2021, we are looking to arrange some online stress management groups . Keep an eye on our site for information about the contents of these groups, something we can all do with right now!
Until then, each day, try to focus on the little things which bring you happiness and a sense of reality - whatever that may be. For me, it's watching the birds get excited when I feed them in the morning - they are always there waiting for me, it feels great to be part of nature's journey. Remember too, we have Soothe Boxes for sale which are full of products and information to comfort you. Or why not book a massage - how lovely that is to take you back to a place of peace.
Reach out if you want to talk morag@moonstir.co.uk - between us we can get through this!